Customised Training

Our specialisation is developing customized training modules, workshops, seminars on a personal as well as organisational level.

Our motto as a Consultant and customised trainer is to empower the customer, not to make us indispensable.

Working on the above principal our forte is to help form multi-disciplinary teams, then empowering with customised effective training to achieve desired results.

The following aspects and much more are covered under our customised training modules :

  • Effective management of product safety, quality and legality
  • Continual improvement of Food Safety and Quality Culture
  • Conducting Skill-Gap Analysis and Programs for development of Staff and Management
  • Training for multiple global standards for environment, food safety, packaging and more
  • Training for Internal Audits which is a very effective tool within an organization for self-development initiatives
  • Training on Self Audit Questionnaires : For effective response to customers and vendor response questionnaires
  • Training to manage budgets of various departments within an organization
  • Raw Material handling, preparing, processing, packing and storage facilities
  • Layout, Product Flow and Segregation
  • Product inspection and laboratory testing
  • Chemical and Physical product contamination control
  • Management of Allergens
  • Labelling and Pack Control
  • Despatch and transport
  • Threat and Vulnerability Assessments
  • Traceability
  • Vendor Performance Monitoring
  • Complaint Handling
  • Management of Incidents
  • Housekeeping and Hygiene
  • Site Security and Food Defense
  • Staff facilities
  • Medical Screening
  • Protective Clothing for employees and visitors
  • Pest Control Management
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias data.
John Doe

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Cras enim urna, interdum nec por ttitor vitae, sollicitudin eu erosen. Praesent eget mollis nulla sollicitudin.