Certification Coordination

Consultancy and Training along with the right selection of the global standards is the best way to strengthen on a personal as well as organisational level.

We offer certification coordination with different certification bodies and the following are few of the options available:

  • Global Standards for Food Safety (HACCP, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000 and more)
  • Global Standards for Packaging (BRCGS)
  • Environment Management (ISO 14001)
  • Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS, ISO 45001)
  • Ethical Audit (SEDEX/SMETA and any other customer specific requirement)
  • Laboratory Accreditation (NABL - ISO/IEC 17025)
  • Kosher Certification
  • Halal Certification
  • Organic Certification
  • Certificate to Process Organic Products

We also provide support for ancillary service providers, the following are few of the options:

  • Coordination with accredited laboratories for testing requirements of products, water, environment, shelf-life studies, nutritional labelling and any other specific needs
  • Product inspection and laboratory testing
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Industrial Setups, Commercial Kitchens, Utilities like HVAC Solutions and more
  • Vendors for protective clothing
  • Foreign Body Detection and Removal Equipment
  • Pest Control Management
  • Waste Disposal
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias data.
John Doe

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